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The Master Class

The Master Class Program is Created for Mastery

We help our students master a specific work area in Information Security and provide them the skills and tools they need to archive their goals to become a master in a chosen field.

What is in a MasterClass Program?

MasterClass programs are practical and specialization program based on real world scenarios and examples.

Participants of the MasterClass you will be able to master a giving area of information security within a short time and become a master in that field. Our MasterClass programs are hands-on. We strive to bring different scenarios into the real-life workshops to the students during the training.

3-5 days Master Classes

Each Master Class training runs from between 3-5 days. Master Class students can participate in our continued education program through the entire year.

Mastering Labs

Get involved with other students who are professionals in their fields through our online portal and interact with the instructors and other students. You can take part of our students portal as long as you are part of our Mastering program. 

Quarterly One day Workshop

Once every quarter we organise an information security event for all Masterclass participants in the various Master Class subjects.

Yearly Security Event

Once a year we have a yearly information security events where we invite Infosec professionals around the world to present workshops and deliver demonstrations on the latest development in the information Security world.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch to take part in a training event.

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